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Stabilization of collective motion in three dimensions: A consensus approach., , and . CDC, page 2931-2936. IEEE, (2007)Distributed Fiedler Vector Estimation With Application to Desynchronization of Harmonic Oscillator Networks., , , and . IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., 5 (2): 659-664 (2021)Information based control for state and parameter estimation.. University of Genoa, Italy, (2005)Active identification of unknown systems: an information theoretic approach., , and . ACC, page 3826-3830. IEEE, (2004)Robustness of noisy consensus dynamics with directed communication., , and . ACC, page 6312-6317. IEEE, (2010)An Input-Output approach to the robust synchronization of dynamical systems with an application to the Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal model., , and . CDC/ECC, page 6504-6509. IEEE, (2011)Robustness of aggregation in networked dynamical systems., and . ROBOCOMM, page 1-6. ICST/IEEE, (2009)A Neural Approach to Active Estimation of Nonlinear Systems., , , , and . CDC/ECC, page 4511-4517. IEEE, (2005)Synchronization in Networks of Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems: A Unified Approach., and . CDC, page 1868-1873. IEEE, (2021)Entropy-based environment exploration and stochastic optimal control., , , and . CDC, page 2938-2941. IEEE, (2003)