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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Architectures for autonomic service management in cloud-based systems., und . ISCC, Seite 161-166. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Techno-economic Evaluation of a Second-life Battery Energy Storage System Enabling Peak Shaving and PV Integration in a Ceramic Manufacturing Plant., , und . IEEM, Seite 1566-1570. IEEE, (2021)Maintenance transformation through Industry 4.0 technologies: A systematic literature review., , , , und . Comput. Ind., (2020)TCAD modeling for reliability., , , , , , , , , und 1 andere Autor(en). Microelectron. Reliab., (2018)CFD modeling in Industry 4.0: New perspectives for smart factories.. ISM, Volume 180 von Procedia Computer Science, Seite 381-387. Elsevier, (2020)Which tools are needed to implement Lean Production in an Industry 4.0 environment? A literature review., , und . ISM, Volume 200 von Procedia Computer Science, Seite 1766-1777. Elsevier, (2021)A review of energy-based indicators for assessing sustainability and circular economy in the agri-food production., , , und . ISM, Volume 200 von Procedia Computer Science, Seite 1756-1765. Elsevier, (2021)Local Lyapunov exponents of deep echo state networks., , und . Neurocomputing, (2018)Design of an Indoor Autonomous Robot Navigation System for Unknown Environments., , und . MESAS, Volume 10756 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 153-169. Springer, (2017)Optimal Service Selection Heuristics in Service Oriented Architectures., , , und . QSHINE, Volume 22 von Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Seite 785-798. Springer, (2009)