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Techniques and Tools for Parallelizing Software., and . IEEE Software, 29 (2): 22-25 (2012)Towards automatic program partitioning., , and . Conf. Computing Frontiers, page 89-98. ACM, (2009)Understood in Translation, Transformers for Domain Understanding., , , and . CoRR, (2020)Low-Precision Floating-Point Formats: From General-Purpose to Application-Specific., , , and . Approximate Computing, Springer International Publishing, (2022)GraphGrind: addressing load imbalance of graph partitioning., , and . ICS, page 16:1-16:10. ACM, (2017)A Case Study of OpenMP Applied to Map/Reduce-Style Computations., and . IWOMP, volume 9342 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 162-174. Springer, (2015)On the side-effects of code abstraction., , , and . LCTES, page 244-253. ACM, (2003)A Unified Scheduler for Recursive and Task Dataflow Parallelism., , and . PACT, page 1-11. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)The Paralax infrastructure: automatic parallelization with a helping hand., , and . PACT, page 389-400. ACM, (2010)Accelerating Graph Analytics by Utilising the Memory Locality of Graph Partitioning., , and . ICPP, page 181-190. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)