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A Programming Model and Runtime System for Significance-Aware Energy-Efficient Computing, , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2014)Significance driven computation on next-generation unreliable platforms., , , , , and . DAC, page 290-291. ACM, (2011)Scheduling Policies for Heterogeneous, Approximate Computing Systems., , , and . PCI, page 43:1-43:6. ACM, (2017)A Framework for Evaluating Software on Reduced Margins Hardware., , , , , and . DSN, page 330-337. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Scheduling Algorithms for Effective Thread Pairing on Hybrid Multiprocessors., , and . IPDPS, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)An energy-efficient and error-resilient server ecosystem exceeding conservative scaling limits., , , , , , , , , and 16 other author(s). DATE, page 1099-1104. IEEE, (2018)Fluidity: Providing flexible deployment and adaptation policy experimentation for serverless and distributed applications spanning cloud-edge-mobile environments., , , , and . Future Gener. Comput. Syst., (2024)MiniSymposium on Edge Computing., and . PARCO, volume 32 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 783. IOS Press, (2017)Increasing the Profit of Cloud Providers through DRAM Operation at Reduced Margins., , , , , and . CCGRID, page 549-558. IEEE, (2020)Exploiting Significance of Computations for Energy-Constrained Approximate Computing., , , , , , , and . Int. J. Parallel Program., 44 (5): 1078-1098 (2016)