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Analyzing evaluation methods for large language models in the medical field: a scoping review., , , и . BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak., 24 (1): 366 (декабря 2024)A digital-to-analog converter based on differential-quad switching., , , и . IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 37 (10): 1335-1338 (2002)A Low-Jitter Delay-Locked Loop with Harmonic-Lock Prevention., , и . IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 85-A (2): 505-507 (2002)Latency-Insensitive Controller for Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators., , , , , и . ISOCC, стр. 249-250. IEEE, (2019)Optimizations of Scatter Network for Sparse CNN Accelerators., , , , , и . AICAS, стр. 256-257. IEEE, (2019)Detection of an Unknown FH Signal Using Scanning Receiver and DF Receiver in Practical Environments., , , , и . WCNC, стр. 1226-1230. IEEE, (2007)System-Level Communication Performance Estimation for DMA-Controlled Accelerators., , и . IEEE Access, (2021)Spatial Data Dependence Graph Simulator for Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators., , , , , и . AICAS, стр. 309-310. IEEE, (2019)Design Space Exploration of FFT Accelerators for IEEE 802.11ax using High-Level Synthesis., , , , и . ASAP, стр. 120-121. IEEE, (2024)Optimization of Scatter Network Architectures and Bank Allocations for Sparse CNN Accelerators., , и . IEEE Access, (2022)