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Re-evaluating LARGO in the Classroom: Are Diagrams Better Than Text for Teaching Argumentation Skills?., , , и . Intelligent Tutoring Systems, том 5091 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 90-100. Springer, (2008)AIED Applications in Ill-Defined Domains., , , и . AIED, том 158 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 713. IOS Press, (2007)The Impacts of Domain-General vs. Domain-Specific Diagramming Tools on Writing., , , , , и . Int. J. Artif. Intell. Educ., 27 (4): 671-693 (2017)Case-based reasoning and law., , и . Knowl. Eng. Rev., 20 (3): 293-298 (2005)What a Legal CBR Ontology Should Provide.. FLAIRS, AAAI Press, (2009)An AI investigation of citation's cognitive role., и . ICAIL, стр. 32-41. ACM, (2001)Ontological requirements for analogical, teleological, and hypothetical legal reasoning.. ICAIL, стр. 1-10. ACM, (2009)Improving the representation of legal case texts with information extraction methods., и . ICAIL, стр. 42-51. ACM, (2001)Can temporal representation and reasoning make a difference in automated legal reasoning?: lessons from an AI-based ethical reasoner., и . ICAIL, стр. 229-238. ACM, (2011)Finding Factors: Learning to Classify Case Opinions Under Abstract Fact Categories., и . ICAIL, стр. 123-131. ACM, (1997)