Author of the publication

To Sketching, And Beyond! A Course of Discovery with Pen and Paper.

, and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 605:1-605:4. ACM, (2024)

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Sketch & The Lizard King: Supporting Image Inclusion in HCI Publishing., , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM, (2018)Conversational Composites: A Method for Illustration Layering., , and . TEI, page 22:1-22:13. ACM, (2023)Exploring the Representation of Cyber-Risk Data Through Sketching., , and . VizSec, page 22-32. IEEE, (2023)The Seven Year Glitch: Unpacking Beauty and Despair in Malfunction., , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1-11. ACM, (2020)Designing Blended Experiences Workshop: Pedagogies across digital and physical spaces., , , , , , , and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume), ACM, (2024)Doodle Away: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Doodling as a Strategy for Self-Control Strength in Online Spaces., , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 414:1-414:13. ACM, (2023)Is it Art, is it HCI? Exploring Tensions Between Practice and Research., , , , , , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 525:1-525:4. ACM, (2023)Punch-Sketching E-textiles: Exploring Punch Needle as a Technique for Sustainable, Accessible, and Iterative Physical Prototyping with E-textiles., , , and . TEI, page 21:1-21:12. ACM, (2021)Prototyping InContext: Exploring New Paradigms in User Experience Tools., , and . AVI, page 22:1-22:5. ACM, (2022)Exploring Co-located Interactions with a Shape-Changing Bar Chart., , and . CHI, page 690:1-690:13. ACM, (2023)