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Smooth wavelength transition in a Lorentz force based actuator system for turbulence research., , , , , и . IEEE SENSORS, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2017)Sensors for waveform control in a Lorentz force based actuator system for turbulence research., , , , , и . IEEE SENSORS, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2017)Transversal surface wave control by gain switching iterative learning improving research on active turbulent flow control., , , и . AuCC, стр. 300-305. IEEE, (2015)Model-Driven Development Methodology Applied to Real-Time MEG Signal Preprocessing System Design., , , , , и . EMS, стр. 28-33. IEEE, (2017)Iterative Learning Control and Decoupling of Lorentz Force Based Actuator Systems for Turbulence Research., , , , , и . CCTA, стр. 1265-1269. IEEE, (2018)Simulating Heterogeneous Models on Multi-Core Platforms using Julia's Computing Language Parallel Potential., , , , и . DS-RT, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2020)Effective Low-Pass Filter Function Due to the Use of a Comb Filter and Virtual Oversampling., , , и . ISCAS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2021)Automatic Step Detection in the Accelerometer Signal., , , , и . BSN, стр. 80-85. Springer, (2007)A Network Simulator for the Estimation of Bandwidth Load and Latency Created by Heterogeneous Spiking Neural Networks on Neuromorphic Computing Communication Networks., , , и . MCSoC, стр. 320-327. IEEE, (2021)Iterative Learning Wave Control of a 20 Actuator System for External Flow Research., , , , , и . CoDIT, стр. 1272-1276. IEEE, (2019)