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Interactive Dramaturgy by Generating Acousmêtre in a Virtual Environment.. ICEC, том 4161 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 90-95. Springer, (2006)Chroma space: affective colors in interactive 3d world., , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 1441-1444. ACM, (2010)Implicit experiences as a determinant of perceptual quality and aesthetic appreciation., , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 153-162. ACM, (2011)Technology & Art in Stimulating Creative Placemaking in Public-Use Spaces., и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 1473-1474. ACM, (2016)Multiuse Playspaces: Mediating Expressive Community Places., и . IEEE Multim., 24 (1): 12-16 (2017)Design and storytelling concepts in the quality of experience., и . QoMEX, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Virtual and Tangible User Interfaces for Social and Accessible Pervasive Gaming., , , и . MuC, стр. 253-262. Oldenbourg Verlag, (2006)Flick flock: the distant and distinct characteristics of the masses in immersive aesthetic space., , , и . SIGGRAPH ASIA (Posters), стр. 64:1. ACM, (2010)Exposure effect on experience and visual perception in stereoscopic visual presentations., , и . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, том 422 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 332-335. ACM, (2009)Workshop on Interactive Digital Storytelling in Broadcasting Environment., , , , , и . TVX, стр. 139-140. ACM, (2017)