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Fuzzy control decision-making framework adapted to the uncertainty environment of complex software system., , и . Int. J. Model. Simul. Sci. Comput., 13 (2): 2241010:1-2241010:19 (2022)Program Procedure Pattern Mining Model for Legacy Code., , и . UV, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)AFL2oop: Loop Coverage Guided Greybox Fuzz Testing., , и . SEKE, стр. 250-255. KSI Research Inc., (2023)Aggregation of autonomous Internetware entities., , и . Internetware, стр. 18. ACM, (2009)Improving Code Clone Detection Accuracy and Efficiency based on Code Complexity Analysis., , , и . DSA, стр. 64-72. IEEE, (2022)Feature-Specific Named Entity Recognition in Software Development Social Content., , , и . SmartIoT, стр. 175-182. IEEE, (2019)Requirement Driven Service Agent Coalition Formation and Negotiation., , и . ICYCS, стр. 322-329. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Scenario-specific verification of system requirements consistency via time modeling., и . Int. J. Model. Simul. Sci. Comput., 15 (2): 2441016:1-2441016:27 (апреля 2024)From Domain Models to Natural Language Requirement Documents: An Exploration of Requirement Missing Problems (P)., и . SEKE, стр. 189. KSI Research Inc., (2024)A Fast Crash Reproduction Method for Android Applications Based on Widget Hierarchy Graphs., , , и . IEEE Internet Things J., 11 (8): 13217-13230 (апреля 2024)