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The Potential of Spatial Computing to Augment Memory: Investigating Recall in Virtual Memory Palaces., and . HCI (34), volume 1033 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 414-422. Springer, (2019)Remote and Collaborative Virtual Reality Experiments via Social VR Platforms., , , and . CHI, page 523:1-523:15. ACM, (2021)A Review of Deep Learning Approaches to EEG-Based Classification of Cybersickness in Virtual Reality.. AIVR, page 351-357. IEEE, (2020)Virtually Empathetic?: Examining the Effects of Virtual Reality Storytelling on Empathy., and . HCI (9), volume 10909 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 290-298. Springer, (2018)Cybersickness during VR gaming undermines game enjoyment: A mediation model.. Displays, (2019)Understanding Nomophobia: A Modern Age Phobia Among College Students., and . HCI (24), volume 9192 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 724-735. Springer, (2015)E4UnityIntegration-MIT: An Open-Source Unity Plug-in for Collecting Physiological Data using Empatica E4 during Gameplay., , and . UIST (Adjunct Volume), page 49:1-49:3. ACM, (2023)The Mediating Role of Mindfulness in the Relationship between Media Multitasking and Mind Wandering., and . APAScience, page 45:1-45:5. ACM, (2018)An interdisciplinary venue sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA) in cooperation with the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society..Through the Looking Glass: The Role of Virtual Mirrors in Shaping Empathy in Virtual Reality Perspective Taking., , , , and . MUM, page 495-498. ACM, (2023)VirtuSign: An AI-Powered, Gamified Virtual Reality Application for the American Sign Language Alphabet., , , , and . MUM, page 532-534. ACM, (2023)