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A Deep Learning Based Geosteering Method Assembled with "Wide-angle Eye"., , , , , and . ICNCC, page 1-5. ACM, (2018)EESM Based Link Error Prediction for Adaptive MIMO-OFDM System., , , and . VTC Spring, page 559-563. IEEE, (2007)On-demand Resource Allocation Policies for Computational Steering Support in Grids., , and . HPCNCS, page 89-96. ISRST, (2007)Receiving Buffer Adaptation for High-Speed Data Transfer., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Computers, 62 (11): 2278-2291 (2013)Experimental performance analysis of the DBF technique on MICAP scatterometer demonstartor., , , , and . IGARSS, page 4084-4087. IEEE, (2017)Rotation Model Enhancement for Adversarial Attack., , , , , and . NaNA, page 431-436. IEEE, (2022)Design and Analysis of a Novel Bionic Cardiac Simulator., , , , , and . ICIA, page 1245-1250. IEEE, (2018)Modeling and simulation of humanoid lower limb based on Pneumatic Artificial Muscle., , , , and . ICIA, page 348-352. IEEE, (2015)Long-term Object Tracking with Instance Specific Proposals., , , and . ICPR, page 1628-1633. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Degradation Modeling and Performance Monitoring of Electro-optical Detection System via Dynamic Bayesian Network., , , and . IEEM, page 1693-1698. IEEE, (2018)