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A quadrature-based eigensolver with a Krylov subspace method for shifted linear systems for Hermitian eigenproblems in lattice QCD., , , и . JSIAM Lett., (2010)Training data augmentation using generative models with statistical guarantees for materials informatics.. Soft Comput., 26 (3): 1181-1196 (2022)LINKS-1: A Parallel Pipelined Multimicrocomputer System for Image Creation, , , , и . ISCA, стр. 387-394. ACM, (1983)A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas., , , , , , , , , и 254 other автор(ы). Nat., 507 (7493): 462-470 (2014)A quantum algorithm of K-means toward practical use.. Quantum Inf. Process., 21 (4): 146 (2022)Arrival and departure processes of nodes in P2P systems., , , и . GLOBECOM Workshops, стр. 609-614. IEEE, (2011)Quantum Bayesian inference for parameter estimation using quantum generative model.. Quantum Inf. Process., 22 (1): 52 (января 2023)Gesture Recognition using Character Recognition Techniques on Two-Dimensional Eigenspace., и . ICCV, стр. 151-156. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Materials Discovery using Max K-Armed Bandit., и . J. Mach. Learn. Res., (2024)Training data augmentation: An empirical study using generative adversarial net-based approach with normalizing flow models for materials informatics.. Appl. Soft Comput., (2020)