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Hardware-in-Loop Assessment of Control Architectures., , , , and . ICSTCC, page 880-885. IEEE, (2020)Analysis of anomalies in fraud detection for Smart and Non-smart Grids., , , und . CSCS, Seite 490-495. IEEE, (2023)Dedicated BSN for Personal Indoor Monitoring.. SOFA (1), Volume 356 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 267-278. Springer, (2014)A Predictive Framework for Efficient Resources Allocation in Healthcare Organisations., , und . CSCS, Seite 249-252. IEEE, (2023)IIoT Gateway for Edge Computing Applications., , , , und . SOHOMA, Volume 853 von Studies in Computational Intelligence, Seite 220-231. Springer, (2019)Audience indicators for geospatial marketing using traffic data from cellular networks., , und . ICSCS, Seite 268-273. IEEE, (2013)Optimizing OOH Media Plans Using Weighted Set Cover Algorithms., , und . CSCS, Seite 633-638. IEEE, (2015)Target Audience Response Analysis in Out-of-home Advertising Using Computer Vision., , , und . ECAI, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2020)On Migrating from Present Identity Management Services to EIDAS., , , , und . SOHOMA, Volume 803 von Studies in Computational Intelligence, Seite 211-221. Springer, (2018)Enhancing the detection of fraudulent activities in the distribution of energy through data mining algorithms., , , und . CSCS, Seite 288-294. IEEE, (2023)