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GPS free coordinate assignment and routing in wireless sensor networks.

, , , and . INFOCOM, page 150-160. IEEE, (2005)

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A New Diagnosis Algorithm for Regular Interconnected Structures., , and . LADC, volume 2847 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 264-281. Springer, (2003)On service discovery in mobile social networks: Survey and perspectives., , and . Comput. Networks, (2015)A Testbed and an Experimental Public Dataset for Energy-Harvested IoT Solutions., , , , , and . INDIN, page 869-876. IEEE, (2019)Editorial., and . Theor. Comput. Sci., (2019)GPS free coordinate assignment and routing in wireless sensor networks., , , and . INFOCOM, page 150-160. IEEE, (2005)Experimenting Forecasting Models for Solar Energy Harvesting Devices for Large Smart Cities Deployments., , , , , and . ISCC, page 1177-1182. IEEE, (2019)TEBAKA: Territorial Basic Knowledge Acquisition. An Agritech Project for Italy: Results on Self-Supervised Semantic Segmentation., , and . ISCC, page 1116-1121. IEEE, (2023)Evaluation of a Diagnosis Algorithm for Regular Structures., , , and . IEEE Trans. Computers, 51 (7): 850-865 (2002)Energy Sustainable IoT Scheduling in a Fog/IoT Interplay., and . ISCC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2024)The Meandering Current Mobility Model and its Impact on Underwater Mobile Sensor Networks., , , , and . INFOCOM, page 221-225. IEEE, (2008)