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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Physically unclonable function using initial waveform of ring oscillators on 65 nm CMOS technology., , , , , , , und . CoRR, (2017)1200μm2 Physical Random-Number Generators Based on SiN MOSFET for Secure Smart-Card Application., , , , , und . ISSCC, Seite 414-415. IEEE, (2008)Detachable nano-carbon chip with ultra low power., , , , , und . DAC, Seite 631-632. ACM, (2010)High-performance FPGA based on novel DSS-MOSFET and non-volatile configuration memory (abstract only)., , , , , , und . FPGA, Seite 291. ACM, (2010)Perspectives and Issues in 3D-IC from Designers' Point of View., , , , und . ISCAS, Seite 73-76. IEEE, (2009)A pure-CMOS nonvolatile multi-context configuration memory for dynamically reconfigurable FPGAs., , und . FPT, Seite 215-222. IEEE, (2014)Designing Nonvolatile Reconfigurable Switch-based FPGA through Overall Circuit Performance Evaluation., , , , , und . IPDPS Workshops, Seite 213-220. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Compact Fault Recovering Flip-Flop with Adjusting Clock Timing Triggered by Error Detection., und . CICC, Seite 721-724. IEEE, (2007)Physical random number generators for cryptographic application in mobile devices., , , , , und . ESSCIRC, Seite 399-402. IEEE, (2005)Si Nanocrystal MOSFET with Silicon Nitride Tunnel Insulator for High-rate Random Number Generation., , , , , , und . ISVLSI, Seite 231-236. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)