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Motion Deblurring from a Single Image using Circular Sensor Motion.

, , and . Comput. Graph. Forum, 30 (7): 1869-1878 (2011)

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Real-time Animation of Sand-Water Interaction., , , and . Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (7): 1887-1893 (2008)A shading model for atmospheric scattering considering luminous intensity distribution of light sources., , and . SIGGRAPH, page 303-310. ACM, (1987)Ray tracing trimmed rational surface patches., , and . SIGGRAPH, page 337-345. ACM, (1990)Display of the earth taking into account atmospheric scattering., , , and . SIGGRAPH, page 175-182. ACM, (1993)Synthesizing Sound from Turbulent Field using Sound Textures for Interactive Fluid Simulation., , and . Comput. Graph. Forum, 23 (3): 539-546 (2004)Interactive Rendering of Atmospheric Scattering Effects Using Graphics Hardware., , and . Graphics Hardware, page 99-108. The Eurographics Association, (2002)Shading Models for Point and Linear Sources., , and . ACM Trans. Graph., 4 (2): 124-146 (1985)jGL and its applications as a Web3D platform., and . Web3D, page 85-92. ACM, (2001)Modeling and Rendering of Various Natural Phenomena Consisting of Particles., and . Computer Graphics International, page 149-156. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)An efficient representation of complex materials for real-time rendering., , , , , and . VRST, page 150-153. ACM, (2004)