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String Figure: A Scalable and Elastic Memory Network Architecture., , , , and . HPCA, page 647-660. IEEE, (2019)Leveraging MLC STT-RAM for energy-efficient CNN training., and . MEMSYS, page 279-290. ACM, (2018)Enhancing Model Parallelism in Neural Architecture Search for Multidevice System., , , , , and . IEEE Micro, 40 (5): 46-55 (2020)Learn-to-Share: A Hardware-friendly Transfer Learning Framework Exploiting Computation and Parameter Sharing., , , , and . ICML, volume 139 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 3469-3479. PMLR, (2021)An energy-efficient 3D CMP design with fine-grained voltage scaling., , and . DATE, page 539-542. IEEE, (2011)Rorg: Service Robot Software Management with Linux Containers., , , and . ICRA, page 584-590. IEEE, (2019)SimBNN: A Similarity-Aware Binarized Neural Network Acceleration Framework., , , , , and . FCCM, page 319. IEEE, (2019)Optimizing bandwidth and power of graphics memory with hybrid memory technologies and adaptive data migration., and . ICCAD, page 81-87. ACM, (2012)GenUnlock: An Automated Genetic Algorithm Framework for Unlocking Logic Encryption., , , and . ICCAD, page 1-8. ACM, (2019)Implementing binary neural networks in memory with approximate accumulation., , , , , and . ISLPED, page 247-252. ACM, (2020)