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Application of Mathematical Model in Road Traffic Control at Circular Intersection., , и . ICICA (2), том 106 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 436-443. Springer, (2010)A time-varying distance based interval-valued functional principal component analysis method - A case study of consumer price index., , , , и . Inf. Sci., (2022)RBind: computational network method to predict RNA binding sites., , , , и . Bioinform., 34 (18): 3131-3136 (2018)Anomaly Monitoring System of Enterprise Financial and Economic Information Based on Entropy Clustering., и . ADHIP (1), том 468 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 217-230. Springer, (2022)Multiple Exemplars-Based Hallucination for Face Super-Resolution and Editing., , и . ACCV (5), том 12626 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 258-273. Springer, (2020)R-Pool and Settlement Markets for Recoverable ERC-20R Tokens., , , и . DeFi@CCS, стр. 49-54. ACM, (2023)Spatial Research Leadership Flows and Spatial Research Leadership Rank: A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Field., , и . JCDL, стр. 425-428. ACM, (2020)Characterizing the patterns of China's policies against COVID-19: A bibliometric study., , , , и . Inf. Process. Manag., 58 (4): 102562 (2021)DTIAM: A unified framework for predicting drug-target interactions, binding affinities and activation/inhibition mechanisms., , , , , и . CoRR, (2023)Research and Exploiture of the Automatic Control System in Sinter Machine., и . ICICA (2), том 106 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 484-490. Springer, (2010)