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Stereo correspondence using segment connectivity., , , , и . ICPR, стр. 648-651. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Labeling board based on boundary tracking., , , , и . ICPR (4), стр. 34-38. IEEE, (1992)Detection of Skewed-Symmetrical Shape., и . ICIP (1), стр. 696-700. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Plane-based Calibration Algorithm for Multi-camera Systems via Factorization of Homography Matrices., и . ICCV, стр. 966-973. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Design and implementation of SPIDER - A transportable image processing software package., , , , , и . Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 23 (3): 273-294 (1983)Planarity constraint in stereo matching., и . ICPR, стр. 446-449. IEEE, (1988)Recognition of 3D Free-form Objects Using Segment-based Stereo Vision., , , и . ICCV, стр. 668-674. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Whole Body Locomotion Planning of Humanoid Robots based on a 3D Grid Map., , , , , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 1072-1078. IEEE, (2005)Interactive Tactile Display System: A Support System for the Visually Disabled to Recognize 3D Objects., и . International ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies, стр. 45-50. ACM, (1996)Trajectory Arrangement based on Resistance Force and Shape of Pile at Scooping Motion., , , и . ICRA, стр. 3488-3493. IEEE, (2004)