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A Novel Peer-to-Peer Payment System., , , and . ICETE (1), page 245-250. INSTICC Press, (2004)Multimodal search and retrieval using manifold learning and query formulation., , and . Web3D, page 51-56. ACM, (2011)Skeleton-based human action recognition using basis vectors., and . PETRA, page 49:1-49:4. ACM, (2015)UCF-CAP, Video Captioning in the Wild., , , , , and . ICIP, page 1386-1390. IEEE, (2022)3D reconstruction of indoor and outdoor building scenes from a single image., , , and . SMVC@MM, page 63-66. ACM, (2010)Towards an expressive virtual tutor: an implementation of a virtual tutor based on an empirical study of non-verbal behaviour., , , , , , , , and . SMVC@MM, page 39-44. ACM, (2010)A Symbiotic Orchestration Module for Multi-agent Collaboration in Disaster Response Scenarios., , , and . ISCRAM, page 771-780. ISCRAM Digital Library, (2022)3D model search and retrieval based on the 3D Radon transform., , , and . ICC, page 1375-1379. IEEE, (2004)Introducing context awareness in multi-target tracking using re-identification methodologies., , and . ICDP, page 1-6. IET / IEEE, (2013)Abnormal Behavior Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Density Heatmaps and Optical Flow., , and . EUSIPCO, page 2060-2064. IEEE, (2018)