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Ocular reactions in response to impressions of emotion-evoking pictures.. ETRA, стр. 42:1-42:5. ACM, (2018)Relationships between Oculo-Motor Mesures as Task-evoked Mental Workloads During an Manipulation Task., и . IV (1), стр. 170-174. IEEE, (2019)Reflections on Note-taking Instructions for Participants and their Effectiveness in a Fully Online Course., , и . IV (1), стр. 300-305. IEEE, (2019)Computational Model for Probability Prediction of Scan Paths in Static Scenes., и . VISAPP (1), стр. 427-430. SciTePress, (2012)Online team-based game development discussions patterns summarised using probabilistic models., , , и . SAC, стр. 234-239. ACM, (2018)The Feasibility of Evaluating Critical Thinking Disposition using Features of Essay Reports., , и . ITHET, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Estimating Ability of Programming Skills using IRT based Peer Assessments., , , и . ITHET, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Classification of Alzheimer's disease patients using metrics of oculo-motors., , , и . FedCSIS, том 25 из Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, стр. 403-407. (2021)Deviations of Eye Movements and Head Rotation during Response Tasks using Targets and HMD., и . IV, стр. 202-207. IEEE, (2020)Visualising the Code-in-Action Helps Students Learn Programming Skills., и . IV, стр. 182-187. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)