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Why to Create Personalities for Synthetic Actors., и . Creating Personalities for Synthetic Actors, том 1195 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-8. Springer, (1997)TA of AI.. ÖGAI, том 106 из Informatik-Fachberichte, стр. 204-211. Springer, (1985)AI - Nie! Versuch über eine wahrscheinliche zukünftige Reaktion der Öffentlichkeit.. GWAI, том 124 из Informatik-Fachberichte, стр. 1-16. Springer, (1986)Ethical Systems for Self-Driving Cars: An Introduction.. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 30 (8): 745-747 (2016)Letter from the Editor.. Appl. Artif. Intell., 11 (1): 3-4 (1997)Features of Emotional Planning in Software Agents., , и . Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning, том 482 из CISM courses and lectures : International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Springer, (2006)An Artificial Intelligence Bibliography., , и . Impacts of Artificial Intelligence, стр. 140-251. North-Holland, (1986)Artifical Intelligence: A One-Hour Course.. Impacts of Artificial Intelligence, стр. 5-30. North-Holland, (1986)Personalities for Synthetic Actors: Current Issues and Some Perspectives., и . Creating Personalities for Synthetic Actors, том 1195 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 209-218. Springer, (1997)Artificial Intelligence-Forschung in Österreich: ein Update., , и . Künstliche Intell., 7 (4): 65-70 (1993)