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Enabling User Control with Personal Identity Management.

, , and . IEEE SCC, page 60-67. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)

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socio-ec(h)o: Ambient Intelligence and Gameplay., , , , , , and . DiGRA Conference, (2005)eduSource: Interoperable Network of Learning Object Repositories., and . WWW (Posters), (2003)ec(h)o: situated play in a tangible and audio museum guide., and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, page 281-290. ACM, (2006)Value-Added Metatagging: Ontology and Rule Based Methods for Smarter Metadata., and . RuleML, volume 2876 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 65-80. Springer, (2003)A process mining approach to linking the study of aptitude and event facets of self-regulated learning., , and . LAK, page 265-269. ACM, (2015)Digital repository interoperability: design, implementation and deployment of the ecl protocol and connecting middleware., , and . WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters), page 376-377. ACM, (2004)Automated planning for feature model configuration based on functional and non-functional requirements., , , , and . SPLC (1), page 56-65. ACM, (2012)Let's Meet: Integrating Social and Learning Worlds., , and . CSE (4), page 879-884. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Authoring tangible interactive narratives using cognitive hyperlinks., , , and . FDG, page 6:1-6:8. ACM, (2010)An ambient intelligence platform for physical play., , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 764-773. ACM, (2005)