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A Framework for Cognitive Vision Systems or Identifying Obstacles to Integration., , and . Cognitive Vision Systems, volume 3948 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 279-293. Springer, (2006)3D piecewise planar object model for robotics manipulation., , and . ICRA, page 1784-1790. IEEE, (2011)Biologically inspired navigation on a mobile robot., and . ROBIO, page 519-524. IEEE, (2010)Grasping unknown objects based on 2½D range data., and . CASE, page 691-696. IEEE, (2008)Local 3D Symmetry for Visual Saliency in 2.5D Point Clouds., , and . ACCV (1), volume 7724 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 434-445. Springer, (2012)Dynamic Aspects of Visual Servoing and a Framework for Real-Time 3D Vision for Robotics., , , , , and . Sensor Based Intelligent Robots, Volume 2238 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 101-121. Springer, (2000)Multi-view hypotheses transfer for enhanced object recognition in clutter., , und . MVA, Seite 10-13. IEEE, (2015)RGB-D fusion enhancement by mode filter for surfel cloud segmentation., , , und . IROS, Seite 6490-6497. IEEE, (2017)Geometric data abstraction using B-splines for range image segmentation., , , , und . ICRA, Seite 148-153. IEEE, (2013)A software framework to integrate vision and reasoning components for Cognitive Vision Systems., , und . Robotics Auton. Syst., 52 (1): 101-114 (2005)