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The Effects of Dyadic vs Triadic Interaction on Children's Cognitive and Affective Gains in Robot-Assisted Alphabet Learning., , , , , и . ICSR (2), том 13818 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 204-213. Springer, (2022)CoWriting Kazakh: Learning a New Script with a Robot - Video., , , , , , , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 645. ACM, (2020)Moveable Älıpbi: The Montessori Method for Robot-Assisted Alphabet Learning., , , , , и . ICSR (2), том 13818 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 114-123. Springer, (2022)Automatic Engagement Recognition of Children within Robot-Mediated Autism Therapy., , , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 471-472. ACM, (2020)Robot-assisted Social Narratives for Children with Diverse Developmental Conditions: A Pilot Study., , , , , , , , , и . RO-MAN, стр. 1266-1271. IEEE, (2024)Quantitative Results of Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children with Autism, ADHD and Delayed Speech Development., , , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 541-542. ACM, (2020)Child Action Recognition in RGB and RGB-D Data., , , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 491-492. ACM, (2020)QWriter: Technology-Enhanced Alphabet Acquisition based on Reinforcement Learning., , , , , , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 241:1-241:7. ACM, (2023)Multi-Purposeful Activities for Robot-Assisted Autism Therapy: What Works Best for Children's Social Outcomes?, , , , и . HRI, стр. 34-43. ACM, (2023)The Quantitative Case-by-Case Analyses of the Socio-Emotional Outcomes of Children with ASD in Robot-Assisted Autism Therapy., , , , и . Multimodal Technol. Interact., 6 (6): 46 (2022)