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Other publications of authors with the same name

A Document Analysis System Based on Text Line Matching of Multiple OCR Outputs., , , , and . Document Analysis Systems, volume 3163 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 463-471. Springer, (2004)A Behavior Level Operation System for Humanoid Robots., , , , and . Humanoids, page 327-332. IEEE, (2006)Step over motion of four wheeled and four legged flexible personal robot., , , , and . ROBIO, page 616-621. IEEE, (2009)A method to make multiple hypotheses with high cumulative recognition rate using SVMs., , , and . Pattern Recognit., 37 (2): 241-251 (2004)Handprinted Hiragana recognition using support vector machines., , , and . IWFHR, page 55-60. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)3D localization of partially buried object in unstructured environment., , , , , , and . ICPR, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Humanoid Robot HRP-2 with Human Supervision., , , , , and . ISER, volume 39 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, page 513-522. Springer, (2006)Cursive Handwritten Word Recognition by Integrating Multiple Classifiers., , , and . Document Analysis Systems, volume 1655 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 140-150. Springer, (1998)Model-Based 3D Object Localization Using Occluding Contours., , and . ACCV (3), volume 5996 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 406-415. Springer, (2009)3D object localization based on occluding contour using STL CAD model., , , and . ICPR, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)