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Guest Editorial: IEEE Transactions on Computers and IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing Joint Special Section on Innovation in Reconfigurable Computing Fabrics from Devices to Architectures., , and . IEEE Trans. Computers, 66 (6): 927-929 (2017)Synthesis of normally-off boolean circuits: An evolutionary optimization approach utilizing spintronic devices., , and . ISQED, page 49-54. IEEE, (2018)Optimization of NULL convention self-timed circuits., , , , and . Integr., 37 (3): 135-165 (2004)Electrically-Tunable Stochasticity for Spin-based Neuromorphic Circuits: Self-Adjusting to Variation., , , , and . MWSCAS, page 81-84. IEEE, (2020)Progress in autonomous fault recovery of field programmable gate arrays., , and . ACM Comput. Surv., 43 (4): 31:1-31:30 (2011)Workshop on Virtualized Active Learning in STEM., and . FIE, page 1. IEEE, (2019)Virtualized Active Learning for Undergraduate Engineering Disciplines (VALUED): A Pilot in a Large Enrollment STEM Classroom., and . FIE, page 1-2. IEEE, (2019)Lockdown Computerized Testing Interwoven with Rapid Remediation: A Crossover Study within a Mechanical Engineering Core Course., , and . FIE, page 1-9. IEEE, (2018)Sustainability assurance modeling for SRAM-based FPGA evolutionary self-repair., , , and . ICES, page 17-22. IEEE, (2014)Composite spintronic accuracy-configurable adder for low power Digital Signal Processing., , , and . ISQED, page 391-396. IEEE, (2017)