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Incremental Acquisition and Reuse of Multimodal Affective Behaviors in a Conversational Agent.

, , , and . HAI, page 92-100. ACM, (2018)

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A Multimodal Corpus of Rapid Dialogue Games., , and . LREC, page 4189-4195. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), (2014)The influence of appearance and interaction strategy of a social robot on the feeling of uncanniness in humans.. ICMI, page 522-526. ACM, (2016)Toward incremental dialogue act segmentation in fast-paced interactive dialogue systems., , , , and . SIGDIAL Conference, page 252-262. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2016)Bridging the Gap - On a Humanoid Robotics Rookie League., , , and . RoboCup, volume 11374 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 193-204. Springer, (2018)Modeling Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data in the Wild., , , , and . ICMI, page 883-885. ACM, (2020)The Persistence of First Impressions: The Effect of Repeated Interactions on the Perception of a Social Robot., , and . HRI, page 73-82. ACM, (2020)Nontrivial Lexical Convergence in a Geography-Themed Game., , , and . SIGdial, page 209-214. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)Effects of multimodal cues on children's perception of uncanniness in a social robot., , , and . ICMI, page 297-301. ACM, (2016)Congruency Matters - How Ambiguous Gender Cues Increase a Robot's Uncanniness., , , and . ICSR, volume 9979 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 402-412. (2016)On the Role of Personality and Empathy in Human-Human, Human-Agent, and Human-Robot Mimicry., , and . ICSR, volume 12483 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 120-131. Springer, (2020)