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Building the initial chain of the proteins through de novo modeling of the cryo-electron microscopy volume data at the medium resolutions.

, , , , , and . BCB, page 490-497. ACM, (2012)

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A unified model for multicore architectures., and . IFMT, page 9. ACM, (2008)A Constrained K-shortest Path Algorithm to Rank the Topologies of the Protein Secondary Structure Elements Detected in CryoEM Volume Maps., , , , , and . BCB, page 749. ACM, (2013)Accelerating option risk analytics in R using GPUs., , and . SpringSim (HPS), page 24. ACM, (2014)Digital library framework for progressive compressed 3D models., , and . Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications, volume 4661 of SPIE Proceedings, page 138-147. SPIE, (2002)GRID Based Federated Digital Library., , , and . Conf. Computing Frontiers, page 97-105. ACM, (2005)Strong I/O Lower Bounds for Binomial and FFT Computation Graphs., , and . COCOON, volume 6842 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 134-145. Springer, (2011)SODA: Smart Objects, Dumb Archives., , , and . ECDL, volume 1696 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 453-464. Springer, (1999)A collaborative faceted categorization system - user interactions., , and . ELPUB, page 69-78. (2010)A Machine Learning Approach for Efficient Parallel Simulation of Beam Dynamics on GPUs., , , , , and . ICPP, page 462-471. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)A high performance parallel algorithm for 1-D FFT., , and . SC, page 34-40. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)