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A methodology for defect detection in analog circuits based on causal feature selection., , , and . ICECS 2022, page 1-4. IEEE, (2022)A sub-picosecond resolution jitter instrument for GHz frequencies based on a sub-sampling TDA., , , , and . NEWCAS, page 1-5. IEEE, (2023)Reduced-code static linearity test of SAR ADCs using a built-in incremental ∑Δ converter., , , and . IOLTS, page 29-34. IEEE, (2018)Special session: Hot topics: Statistical test methods., , , , , and . VTS, page 1-2. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Questioning the reliability of Monte Carlo simulation for machine learning test validation., and . ETS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Linearity test of high-speed high-performance ADCs using a self-testable on-chip generator., , , , , , and . ETS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Static linearity BIST for Vcm-based switching SAR ADCs using a reduced-code measurement technique., , , and . NEWCAS, page 295-298. IEEE, (2020)mm-Wave Through-Load Switch for in-situ Vector Network Analyzer on a 55-nm BiCMOS Technology., , , , , , and . NEWCAS, page 82-85. IEEE, (2020)Efficient generation of data sets for one-shot statistical calibration of RF/mm-wave circuits., , , , , and . SMACD, page 17-20. IEEE, (2019)Special Session: On-chip jitter BIST with sub-picosecond resolution at GHz frequencies., , and . LATS, page 1-2. IEEE, (2023)