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The Gene Concept and its Implementation for a Dataflow Schemed Parallel Computer., , and . PARLE (1), volume 365 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 306-322. Springer, (1989)SimAlpha Version 1.0: Simple and Readable Alpha Processor Simulator., , and . Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, volume 2823 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 122-136. Springer, (2003)Lazy and Differential Replication in a Recoverable Distributed Shared Memory System., and . HPCN Europe, volume 1401 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 698-707. Springer, (1998)The Design and Implementaion of a Magnetic-Bubble Database Machine., , , , and . IFIP Congress, page 433-438. (1980)Parallel Processing of Matrix Multiplication in a CPU and GPU Heterogeneous Environment., , , and . VECPAR, volume 4395 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 305-318. Springer, (2006)FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software., , , and . ISHPC, volume 2858 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 146-159. Springer, (2003)DBCL: Data-Flow Computing Base Language with n-Value Logic., , , , and . FJCC, page 353-361. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)Performance Measurements on Sandglass-Type Parallelization of Doacross Loops., , and . HPCN Europe, volume 1593 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 663-672. Springer, (1999)Distributed Shared Memory with Log Based Consistency for Scalable Data Mining., , and . COMPSAC, page 305-308. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)DEM-1: A Particle Simulation Machine for Efficient Short-Range Interaction Computations., , , and . IPDPS, IEEE Computer Society, (2002)