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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Distributed Data Cache Designs for Clustered VLIW Processors., , und . IEEE Trans. Computers, 54 (10): 1227-1241 (2005)Development and Validation of Molecular Overlays Derived from Three-Dimensional Hydrophobic Similarity with PharmScreen., , , , , , , , und . J. Chem. Inf. Model., 58 (8): 1596-1609 (2018)HW/SW co-designed processors: Challenges, design choices and a simulation infrastructure for evaluation., , , , , , , und . ISPASS, Seite 185-194. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Quantitative characterization of the software layer of a HW/SW co-designed processor., , , , , , , und . IISWC, Seite 138-147. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)An interleaved cache clustered VLIW processor., , und . ICS, Seite 210-219. ACM, (2002)Warm-Up Simulation Methodology for HW/SW Co-Designed Processors., , , und . CGO, Seite 284. ACM, (2014)Assessing the Performance of Mixed Strategies To Combine Lipophilic Molecular Similarity and Docking in Virtual Screening., , , , , und . J. Chem. Inf. Model., 60 (9): 4231-4245 (2020)Instruction scheduling for a clustered VLIW processor with a word-interleaved cache., , und . Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 18 (11): 1391-1411 (2006)Global productiveness propagation: a code optimization technique to speculatively prune useless narrow computations., , , und . LCTES, Seite 161-170. ACM, (2011)Anaphase: A Fine-Grain Thread Decomposition Scheme for Speculative Multithreading., , , , , , , und . PACT, Seite 15-25. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)