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AstroLIT: enabling simulation-based microarchitecture comparison between Intel® and Transmeta designs., , , , , , , , and . Conf. Computing Frontiers, page 21. ACM, (2011)Accelerating ML Recommendation with over a Thousand RISC-V/Tensor Processors on Esperanto's ET-SoC-1 Chip., , , , , , , , , and 23 other author(s). HCS, page 1-23. IEEE, (2021)A real system evaluation of hardware atomicity for software speculation., , and . ASPLOS, page 29-38. ACM, (2010)An Analysis of SPARC and MIPS Instruction Set Utilization on the SPEC Benchmarks., , , and . ASPLOS, page 290-302. ACM Press, (1991)SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 19(2), SIGOPS Operating System Review 25(Special Issue April 1991), and SIGPLAN Notices 26(4).The Hardware Architecture of the CRISP Microprocessor., , and . ISCA, page 309-319. (1987)Retrospective on High-Level Language Computer Architecture., and . ISCA, page 97-104. ACM, (1980)Design Tradeoffs to Support the C Programming Language in the CRISP Microprocessor., and . ASPLOS, page 158-163. ACM Press, (1987)SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 15(5), SIGOPS Operating System Review 21(4), SIGPLAN Notices 22(10).Retrospective: A Retrospective on High-Level Language Computer Architecture., and . 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints, page 13-14. ACM, (1998)Retrospective on High-Level Language Computer Architecture., and . 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints, page 166-173. ACM, (1998)Architectural Innovations in the CRISP Microprocessor., , and . COMPCON, page 91-95. IEEE Computer Society, (1987)