What's up Doc. Y a-t-il eu des études quantitatives sur la contention ? Dr Raphael Carré. Pour ce qui est de l’épidémiologie de la contention, il n’y a aucune étude faite sur la question. Il n’y a pas de données quantitatives sur la contention. La seule étude quantitative a été faite par le centre hospitalier Sainte-Anne (Paris) mais ne prend en compte que les urgences
A discussion of some key Bakhtinian and Volosinovian notions and nudges towards their possible utility. These ideas might re-define character in theatre performances.
Exploring the way genre based approaches have changed the pedagogy used to teach language. Focus on how important the concept of genre is and then using genre as a way of building knowledge in specific disciplines. Following on from this conclusion is the assertation that more action research programmes are needed to look at ways teachers can move literacy teaching to more interactive styles.
M. Taboada, J. Brooke, and M. Stede. Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference: The 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, page 62--70. Stroudsburg, PA, USA, Association for Computational Linguistics, (2009)
C. Coffin. NALDIC Quarterly, 3 (3):
13--26(2006)<b>Copyright</b><br></br>Copyright for individual contributions remains vested in the authors to whom applications for rights toreproduce should be made. NALDIC Quarterly should always be acknowledged as the original source ofpublication.NALDIC retains the right to republish any of the contributions in this issue in future NALDIC publicationsor to make them available in electronic form for the benefit of its members. For further information contactpublications@naldic.org.uk.