Die Initiative "Stop TTIP und Ceta", zu der unter anderem Attac, Greenpeace und die Linke gehören, hat nach eigenen Angaben 3,5 Millionen Unterschriften von Bürgern gegen die umstrittenen Freihandelsabkommen gesammelt. Diese werden heute dem EU-Parlament übergeben.
Wir sind eine Initiative von Studierenden der Ökonomie aus 19 Ländern weltweit. Unser Ziel ist eine offene, vielfältige und plurale Volkswirtschaftslehre.
Die Idee hinter kinder-wollen-singen.de ist es, eine einfach zu bedienende Webseite zu erschaffen auf der Anwender mit wenigen Klicks einzelne Lieder oder eben ganze Liedgruppen exportieren können.
In Deutschland wird ein Großteil der Wissenschaft und Wissensproduktion durch die öffentliche Hand finanziert. Während die privatwirtschaftliche Aneignung und Nutzung des produzierten Wissens erwartet wird, sind die wissenschaftlichen Publikationen aber nur selten für den Steuerzahler frei verfügbar. Das muss sich ändern!
Zehn Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung der ursprünglichen "Budapest Open Access Initiative" hat die dahinterstehende Open Society Foundation Resümee gezogen und Empfehlungen fürs nächste Jahrzehnt gegeben.
Die Bibliotheksinitiative „Menschen und Bücher“ hatte zum Ziel, einen Beitrag zur Integration Europas zu leisten, indem sie ausgewählte Bibliotheken in Mittel- und Osteuropa mit deutschen Büchern ausstattete.
The Workflow Patterns initiative is a joint effort of Eindhoven University of Technology (led by Professor Wil van der Aalst) and Queensland University of Technology (led by Professor Arthur ter Hofstede) which started in 1999. The aim of this initiative is to provide a conceptual basis for process technology. In particular, the research provides a thorough examination of the various perspectives (control flow, data, resource, and exception handling) that need to be supported by a workflow language or a business process modelling language. The results can be used for examining the suitability of a particular process language or workflow system for a particular project, assessing relative strengths and weaknesses of various approaches to process specification, implementing certain business requirements in a particular process-aware information system, and as a basis for language and tool development.
To simplify, clarify, and unify the ECPA standards, providing stronger privacy protections for communications and associated data in response to changes in technology and new services and usage patterns, while preserving the legal tools necessary for government agencies to enforce the laws, respond to emergency circumstances and protect the public.
DataCite is focused on improving the scholarly infrastructure around datasets. There will be a set of activities around establishing and sharing best-practices, identifying and solving some of the unique issues that arise with datasets.
Sachsen-Anhalt hat eine landesweite Familieninitiative gestartet. Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, die Rahmenbedingungen für Familien in Sachsen-Anhalt zu verbessern. Bausteine sind unter anderem:
Open Source Cinema lets you create your own videos online, remix media that you have on your computer, as well as remix other people’s media from places like YouTube and Flickr. You can also connect with others by sending personal messages, commenting on remixes, or even joining projects that others have created.
J. Yoder. Journal of Social Issues, 57 (4):
815-828(Winter 2001)Strategies for enhancing women's leadership must recognize that leadership is gendered and occurs within gendered context..
R. Wilson. Chronicle of Higher Education, 50 (15):
1-5(12/05 2003)Reports on study showing that having children early in an academic career reduces women's chances of achieving tenure..
M. Wenniger, und M. Conroy. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, (2001)Book is a compilation of articles from the Women in Higher Education newsletter; it explores advances of women in higher education and addresses challenges/obstacles that remain in womens' leadership in higher education..
J. Trautner. Journal of Engineering Education, (Januar 1996)The issue of women in engineering is important to the profession as a whole and climate issues that discriminate against/exclude women faculty in engineering need to be addressed..
S. Thornton. Chronicle of Higher Education, 51 (7):
B12(10/08 2004)Advice on what types of institutions, policies, and practices are associated with successfully combining an academic career with childbearing..
M. Leary. Psychology Today, 37 (4):
62-65(08/31 2004)Self-help article describes how self-thinking can impair performance, create stress, and cause tension in relationships; suggestions for reducing the impacts of self-thinking are provided..
G. Ingle. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 53 (6):
B25(09/29 2006)Discusses common practices that can impede efforts to recruit and hire a diverse workforce..
J. Handelsman, C. Pfund, S. Lauffer, und C. Pribbenow. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI, (2005)Advice and Resources for becoming a more effective mentor of undergraduate science students..
S. Haddock, S. Ziemba, T. Zimmerman, und L. Current. Journal of marital and family therapy, 27 (4):
445-458(Oktober 2001)Strategies used by middle-class, dual-earner couples who are successfully balancing family and work..
S. Gregory. The Journal of Negro Education, 70 (3):
124-138(Summer 2001)Discusses History and status of black faculty women, describes successful strategies for advancement and dispenses advice..
A. Fels. Harvard business review, 82 (4):
50-60(April 2004)Women's gender identities and contemporary social norms act as hidden barriers to career achievement; advice on fostering ambition and overcoming these barriers is presented..
N. Chesler, und M. Chesler. Journal of Engineering Education, 91 (1):
49-55(Januar 2002)Authors use sociological approaches to identify alternative, gender-informed models for mentoring women in engineering..
P. Carr, J. Bickel, und T. Inui. Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, (2003)Advice for new faculty members, with special attention to challenges facing women and minorities..
C. Burack, und S. Franks. NWSA Journal, 16 (1):
79-95(2004)Provides practical suggestions for fostering diversity in engineering and for countering resistance to such efforts..