21.06.2022 Im Projekt Knight erforscht die Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart den Einsatz von Learning Analytics und künstlicher Intelligenz in der Lehre. Untersucht wird, wie Lernprozesse automatisiert unterstützt werden können, KI in der Lehre verankert werden kann, aber auch wie die Lehrenden von administrativen Aufgaben entlastet werden können.
Thousands of students and teachers across Wales will benefit from cutting-edge data analytics technology to improve student engagement, retention and performance as a result of a funding boost to be announced today by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and Jisc.
Egle Gedrimiene, Suvi Kauppi, Jenni Kunnari University of Oulu
The multidisciplinary team from the faculties of Education and Information Technology and Electrical Engineering got together to create and implement a new online learning analytics course at the University of Oulu. The goal of the course was to offer students multidisciplinary information on learning analytics applications in different contexts, and to develop and test the materials and design of the course.
This event took place on 21 April 2021.
These popular events comprise a range of presentations and discussion sessions and are an opportunity to network with colleagues involved in learning analytics projects at other institutions.
Three leaders in the Initiative in Ethics and Transformative Technologies at Seattle University talk about digital ethics and their work in the intersection between technology and ethics.
One of the most powerful tools that technology provides on the path to student success is data and analytics. Data allows institutions to better understand students, rethink systems, and create early-alert mechanisms to help students complete their degree. But finding the best way to use data and analytics can be tricky.
In Latin America (LATAM), socioeconomic inequality and lack of resources shape the context of educational institutions in particular ways. Programme quality and dropout rates preoccupy educationalists and governments.