Si quieres conocer los cinco mejores plugins de Moodle para gamificar tus cursos entre y lee hasta el final este articulo. Te mostrare como mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje con estas extensiones para que tus estudiantes alcancen sus metas.
Learner interaction in an online educational environment (logging for example into a virtual learning management system) leaves a lot of digital traces behind.
Moodle 3.5 is now available for downloading! From #GDPR compliance to improved usability, #Moodle 3.5 is full of features and improvements to help you empower educators.
¿Cómo puedo crear un curso en el ADD para el nuevo año académico?
¿Cómo doy de alta en Moodle a los alumnos de forma automática?
¿Cómo doy de alta en Moodle a otros profesores y/o alumnos de forma manual?
Ya he incluido a los alumnos pero ¿qué hago para que tengan acceso al curso?
¿Cómo puedo dar acceso a los alumnos que todavía no están matriculados?
¿Cómo paso los contenidos de un curso en Moodle 2 de un año académico a otro?
¿Cuándo debo solicitar un curso no reglado en el ADD?
The Inspire plugin implements open source, transparent next-generation learning analytics using machine learning backends that go beyond simple descriptive analytics to provide predictions of learner success, and ultimately diagnosis and prescriptions (advisements) to learners and teachers. From Moodle HQ.
This project aims to develop a better understanding of learning analytics and the ways in which analytics can be interpreted, applied and actioned by teachers to improve teaching and learning practices.
About the project
The great diversity of the student body in Australian universities is reflected in students' ages, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, motivations and experiences with technology. University teachers are also increasingly reliant on – and expected to use – a range of technologies to support student learning both on and off campus. In designing and delivering online learning activities to meet diverse student needs, teachers commonly face educational challenges. This project will identify common problems faced by teachers and students when learning online, and determine the types of learning analytics teachers would find useful to effectively address these problems.
The project involves three phases:
Phase 1: The first phase of the project will explore teachers' views on how learning analytics could help them address known difficulties or problems with teaching and learning online.
Phase 2: In this phase a web-based analytics tool will be developed that will support teachers to more easily interpret learning analytics to help them improve teaching and learning practices.
Phase 3: Once developed, the web-based analytics tool will be trialled in four subjects across the University Melbourne, Macquarie University and the University of South Australia.
Through an active dissemination program, this project will help to realise the full potential of learning analytics, by providing university teachers with a better understanding of how analytics can be interpreted, applied and actioned.
Manage your moodle using the Events Graphic Reports plugins and see what's happening on your moodle. Browse graphics by course, and see what's the events most triggered, user acitivity and more.
The quiz statistics report may be viewed by clicking on the quiz and then accessing Administration > Quiz administration> Results > Statistics
This report gives a statistical (psychometric) analysis of the quiz, and the questions within it. The top section of this report gives a summary of the whole quiz. The next section gives an analysis showing all questions in a table format. There are links in this section to edit individual questions or drill down into a detailed analysis of a particular question. The last section of this report is a bar graph of the percent of correct answers (Facility index) and the Discriminative efficiency index.The full report (overview, and detailed analysis of all questions) can be downloaded in a variety of formats, as can the quiz structure analysis table.
The Engagement Analytics block provides information about student progress against a range of indicators. As the name suggests the block provides feedback on the level of "engagement" of a student, in this plugin "engagement" refers to activities which have been identified by current research to have an impact on student success in an online course.
SmartKlass™ es una solución integral de learning analytics que puede usarse con cualquier entorno de aprendizaje virtual, app o software educativo, para medir y analizar el proceso de aprendizaje en todo momento
Der Hessische Bildungsserver ist die zentrale Einstiegsseite für pädagogische Aspekte des hessischen Schulwesens. Er ist gleichermaßen eine Plattform für Information, Kommunikation und Kooperation. Sie finden hier Unterrichtsmaterialien, Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für Lehrkräfte, Informationen zu Schulen sowie Angebote in den Bildungsregionen.
Lambda Solutions, a provider of open source talent and learning management systems, today made its Lambda Analytika data reporting and analytics solution available for the Moodle LMS.
"Diese Moodle-Installation dient zu Demonstrationszwecken der Moodle-Erweiterung eMargo. Die Demo-Kurse können ohne Zugangsdaten betrachtet werden, indem Sie nach dem Aufrufen eines Demokurses auf den Button „Als Gast anmelden“ klicken."
PNTE - Programa de Novas Tecnogias e Educação em Plataforma de Ensino a Distância EAD. Na sala de aula virtual Moodle PNTE teremos duas modalidades de cursos: - Cursos à distância programa de PNTE (EAD) de aprendizagem, com a certificação de tempo e regulamentos específicos para fornecer prazos específicos de aplicação , procedimentos de admissão, os prazos para a conclusão das atividades , etc .- Cursos de auto - formação, que não têm prazo para inscrição ou de desempenho , nem têm orientação , apoio ou certificação.
A Secretaria da Educação de Cruz tem como missão promover uma educação pública com qualidade social a todos os cidadãos cruzenses, garantindo a todos os educandos o acesso e permanência com sucesso dos mesmos nas escolas, visando uma aprendizagem qualitativa, atuando em parceria com escola e a comunidade.
O Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem do NTM foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de articular ações de Formação de Professores da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Salvador por meio de recursos tecnológicos interativos.
Este tutorial é para professores e administradores que possuem dúvidas quanto a criação da atividade questionário, por isso as instruções são básicas....
Die selbständige, kritische Auseinandersetzung mit einer wissenschaftlichen Forschungsarbeit im Gebiet der Informatik und das Verfassen einer schriftlichen Seminararbeit, die den Anforderungen an eine Publikation im Bereich Informatik genügt (Inhalt und insbesondere auch Form).
Die selbständige, kritische Auseinandersetzung mit einer wissenschaftlichen Forschungsarbeit im Gebiet der Informatik und das Verfassen einer schriftlichen Seminararbeit, die den Anforderungen an eine Publikation im Bereich Informatik genügt (Inhalt und insbesondere auch Form).
Há excelentes ferramentas Web 2.0 à disposição e gratuitas (blog, wiki, fórum, podcast, vídeo, canal de vídeo, comunidades, moodle...) basta usar. No site da...
Há excelentes ferramentas Web 2.0 à disposição e gratuitas (blog, wiki, fórum, podcast, vídeo, canal de vídeo, comunidades, moodle...) basta usar. No site da...
D. Whitelock, and S. Watt. Proceedings of the 12th CAA International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference. Loughborough, UK: Professional Development, Loughborough University, pp. 347–356., (2008)