The European Commission is laying the groundwork for a legislative initiative to regulate the use of algorithms for managing, monitoring and recruiting workers.
Bekannte Manager und Experten wie Elon Musk warnen vor den Risiken künstlicher Intelligenz. Sie wollen die Entwicklung stoppen, die Technik müsse den Menschen dienen.
On 11 May, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a ‘Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse’ to replace the interim legislation that EDRi fought against last year. In our immediate reaction, EDRi warned that the new proposal creates major risks for the privacy, security and integrity of private communications, not just in the EU, but globally. Here, we unpack a bit more about the legislative proposal, and why we are so concerned.
This document pool contains analyses, updates and resources relating to EU rules on scanning private online communications, in particular the long-term ePrivacy derogation: the 'Legislation to effectively tackle child sexual abuse' (expected May 2022)
While classifying AI systems used at work as high-risk is appropriate, however, the Proposed Regulation is far from being sufficient to protect workers adequately.
The Commission is proposing the first ever legal framework on AI, which addresses the risks of AI and positions Europe to play a leading role globally.
As part of the Digital Services Act package announced by the President, the Commission will propose new and revised rules to deepen the internal market for digital services.
As part of the European Digital Strategy, the European Commission has announced a Digital Services Act package to strengthen the Single Market for digital services and foster innovation and competitiveness of the European online environment.
Despite its commitment to ‘trustworthy’ artificial intelligence, the EU is bankrolling AI projects that are questionable, write Fieke Jansen and Daniel Leufer.
On 17 January 2019, Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner for Competition, hosted a one-day conference featuring a keynote speech by Nobel laureate Professor Jean Tirole, in Brussels on "Shaping competition policy in the era of digitisation".
Research and policy advice on competition including monopolisation, cartels, mergers, liberalisation, intervention, competition enforcement and regulatory reform., In November 2016, the OECD held a hearing discussion on Big Data to explore the implications on competition authorities' work and whether competition law is the appropriate tool for dealing with issues arising from the use Big Data. Access all documentation regarding the discussion.
17 | 1er semestre / Spring 2015
Économie politique de la santé. Un exemple exemplaire
The Political Economy of Health care. An exemplary example
Du 9 au 12 juin 2015, la Revue de la régulation a été le partenaire privilégié du colloque international Recherche & Régulation « La théorie de la régulation à l’épreuve des crises » qui s’est tenu à Paris, à l’université Paris Diderot et à l’INALCO. Le colloque a réuni plus de 200 participants d’horizons très divers, avec notamment de fortes délégations venues d’Asie et notamment de Chine et du Japon. La revue aura l’occasion de revenir sur les contenus qui ont été présentés durant ce colloque, aux thématiques marquées par la dimension internationale.
Revue de la régulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoir. Revue semestrielle. La revue vise à fournir un lieu d’expression pour les analyses qui s’inscrivent dans la filiation des recherches régulationnistes ainsi que pour les chercheurs qui souhaitent en débattre.