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Part-based robot grasp planning from human demonstration., and . ICRA, page 4554-4560. IEEE, (2011)On the potential of physics-based animation for task programming in virtual reality., and . ICRA, page 288-293. IEEE, (2009)Efficient planning of disassembly sequences in physics-based animation., and . IROS, page 87-92. IEEE, (2009)Unsupervised Range Image Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Feature Proximity and Markov Random Field., , , , and . IAS, volume 302 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 807-820. Springer, (2014)Collaborative Visual Environments for Evidence Taking in Digital Justice: A Design Concept., , , , , , , , and . FRAME@HPDC, page 33-37. ACM, (2021)Contact-Based in-Hand Package Pose Estimation Using a Collaborative Robot., , and . ETFA, page 1-8. IEEE, (2024)A Desktop Virtual Reality System with Physical Animation and Glove Interaction., and . VRIPHYS, page 77-82. Eurographics Association, (2008)Comfortable robot to human object hand-over., , and . RO-MAN, page 771-776. IEEE, (2012)Object manipulation in visuo-haptic augmented reality with physics-based animation., , and . RO-MAN, page 38-43. IEEE, (2010)Robot grasp synthesis from virtual demonstration and topology-preserving environment reconstruction., and . IROS, page 2692-2697. IEEE, (2007)