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Accessibility in mobile applications for elderly users: a systematic mapping., , , and . FIE, page 1-9. IEEE, (2018)An Analysis of ProjectEdu: A Mobile Learning Application for Software Project Management Education., , , , and . HCI (26), volume 11591 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 37-54. Springer, (2019)Towards a Mobile Learning Environment using Reference Architectures., , , and . HICSS, page 1-10. ScholarSpace / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), (2017)A Catalog of Pedagogical Patterns for Learning Applications., and . FIE, page 1-9. IEEE, (2018)SSPOT-VR: An immersive and affordable mobile application for supporting K-12 students in learning programming concepts., , , , and . Educ. Inf. Technol., 29 (13): 16411-16439 (September 2024)Integrating Project Based Learning and Project Management for Software Engineering Teaching: An Experience Report., , , , , , , , and . SIGCSE, page 806-811. ACM, (2018)Mobile learning applications for the elderly: eliciting requirements based on pedagogical and accessibility guidelines., , , and . FIE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)A Lightweight Web Tool to Support Feedback in Introductory Programming Practices in Brazilian Undergraduate Disciplines., , , , , and . FIE, page 1-9. IEEE, (2023)An Empirical Investigation on a Pedagogical Pattern Language for Mobile Learning Applications., , , and . FIE, page 1-9. IEEE, (2018)ReqML-catalog: The road to a requirements catalog for mobile learning applications., , , , , and . FIE, page 1-9. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)