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Integrating Language and Cognitive Architecture., , , , и . AAAI Fall Symposia, AAAI Press, (2013)Is Neuroscience a Learning Science?, , и . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2006)Re-envisioning a K-12 Early Warning System with School Climate Factors., , , , , , и . L@S, стр. 405-408. ACM, (2022)4CAPS: An Adaptive Architecture for Human Information Processing., и . AAAI Spring Symposium: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Cognitive Science Principles Meet AI-Hard Problems, стр. 91-96. AAAI, (2006)Does shifting ability support interleaved learning of new science concepts in middle school students?, , и . CogSci,, (2018)Neighborhood effects for composite (i.e., non-prime) numbers., , и . CogSci,, (2022)Typicality Gradients in Computer Vision Models., , и . CogSci,, (2022)Mental representations and processing of radical expressions., и . CogSci,, (2016)Understanding Graphical Perception in Data Visualization through Zero-shot Prompting of Vision-Language Models., , , , и . CoRR, (2024)Sequencing Arithmetic, Area, and Algebraic Instruction for Teaching the Distributive Principle., и . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2018)