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Learning analytics: challenges, paradoxes and opportunities for mega open distance learning institutions.

, , and . LAK, page 130-133. ACM, (2012)

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Student Consent in Learning Analytics: The Devil in the Details?, and . Learning Analytics in Higher Education: Current Innovations, Future Potential, and Practical Applications, Routledge, New York and Abingdon, Oxon, (August 2018)The use and application of learning theory in learning analytics: a scoping review, , and . Journal of Computing in Higher Education, (October 2022)The complexities of developing a personal code of ethics for learning analytics practitioners: implications for institutions and the field., , , , and . LAK, page 436-440. ACM, (2018)Vulnerable student digital well-being in AI-powered educational decision support systems (AI-EDSS) in higher education., , and . Br. J. Educ. Technol., 55 (5): 2075-2092 (September 2024)A Critical Consideration of the Ethical Implications in Learning Analytics as Data Ecology., , and . EC-TEL, volume 14200 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 371-382. Springer, (2023)A Comparison of Learning Analytics Frameworks: a Systematic Review., , and . LAK, page 152-163. ACM, (2022)Learning analytics: challenges, paradoxes and opportunities for mega open distance learning institutions., , and . LAK, page 130-133. ACM, (2012)Learning analytics and higher education: ethical perspectives., and . LAK, page 16-17. ACM, (2012)Learning analytics at the intersections of student trust, disclosure and benefit., , and . LAK, page 235-244. ACM, (2019)LAK failathon., , , , and . LAK, page 509-511. ACM, (2016)