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Micro droplet generation using micropore plates oscillated by ultrasonic torsional transducers., , , , , and . MHS, page 88-93. IEEE, (2011)Flexible displacement sensor using piezoelectric polymer for intelligent FMA., , , , and . IROS, page 765-770. IEEE, (2007)Turning method that minimizes turning radius for snake-like robot with active joints and active wheels., , , and . SII, page 604-609. IEEE, (2016)Hose-free pneumatic bags-muscle driven by gas/liquid conversion., , , , and . SII, page 616-621. IEEE, (2016)3-D finite-element analysis of fiber-reinforced soft bending actuator for finger flexion., , , , , and . AIM, page 128-133. IEEE, (2013)Muscle textile to implement soft suit to shift balancing posture of the body., , , , and . RoboSoft, page 572-578. IEEE, (2018)Snake-like robot negotiating three-dimensional pipelines., , , , , and . ROBIO, page 989-994. IEEE, (2007)Development of large intestine endoscope changing its stiffness -2nd report: Improvement of stiffness change device and insertion experiment-., , and . ROBIO, page 241-246. IEEE, (2010)Experimental investigation of conductive fibers for a smart pneumatic artificial muscle., , and . ROBIO, page 2335-2340. IEEE, (2015)Soft Robotic Gloves with Thin McKibben Muscles for Hand Assist and Rehabilitation., , , , , , , , , and . SII, page 93-98. IEEE, (2020)