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A Robust Visual Odometry and Precipice Detection System Using Consumer-grade Monocular Vision., , , and . ICRA, page 3421-3427. IEEE, (2005)Teaching artificial intelligence and humanity., and . Commun. ACM, 61 (2): 29-32 (2018)The Neighborhood Networks project: a case study of critical engagement and creative expression through participatory design., , , , and . PDC, page 41-50. ACM, (2008)The Robotic Autonomy Mobile Robotics Course: Robot Design, Curriculum Design and Educational Assessment., , , , , , , and . Auton. Robots, 18 (1): 103-127 (2005)A Roadmap for Technology Literacy and a Vehicle for Getting There: Educational Robotics and the TeRK Project., , , , and . RO-MAN, page 391-397. IEEE, (2006)Simultaneous localization and map building: a global topological model with local metric maps., , and . IROS, page 421-426. IEEE, (2001)Interleaving planning and execution.. Stanford University, USA, (1996)A strategy for collaborative outreach: lessons from the CSbots project., , and . SIGCSE, page 315-319. ACM, (2010)Smell Pittsburgh: Engaging Community Citizen Science for Air Quality., , , , , , , and . ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst., 10 (4): 32:1-32:49 (2020)Mobile Robot Programming in Education., , and . ICRA, page 345-350. IEEE, (2006)