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Towards embedding assessment in CSCL scripts through selection and assembly of learning and assessment patterns., , , , и . CSCL (1), стр. 507-511. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2009)Gamifying Collaborative Activities in MOOCs., , , , и . EMOOCs-WIP, том 1841 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 28-33., (2017)Bucket-Server: A System for Including Teacher-Controlled Flexibility in the Management of Learning Artifacts in Across-Spaces Learning Situations., , , , , и . EC-TEL, том 9307 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 518-521. Springer, (2015)What Information Do Teachers Demand from a Computerized Classroom? An Exploratory Analysis., , , и . LASI-SPAIN, том 1925 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 9-16., (2017)Game of Blazons: Helping Teachers Conduct Learning Situations That Integrate Web Tools and Multiple Types of Augmented Reality., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol., 11 (4): 506-519 (2018)Creating collaborative groups in a MOOC: a homogeneous engagement grouping approach., , , , и . Behav. Inf. Technol., 38 (11): 1107-1121 (2019)The INTELed pedagogical framework: Applying embodied digital apps to support special education children in inclusive educational contexts., , , , и . Interacción, стр. 35:1-35:4. ACM, (2019)Theory-based learning analytics to explore student engagement patterns in a peer review activity., , , , , , , и . LAK, стр. 196-206. ACM, (2021)A Proposal of Diagnosis for an ITS for Computational Logic., , , , и . CAEPIA, том 3040 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 86-95. Springer, (2003)Collaborative activities in hybrid learning environments: Exploring teacher orchestration load and students' perceptions., , , , , , и . Comput. Educ., (2024)