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An Electric and Electronic Circuit Remote Laboratory in a Control Course.

, and . EDUCON, page 687-694. IEEE, (2022)

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Enhancing Interactive Teaching of Engineering Topics Using Digital Materials of the MERLOT Database., , , and . ICEUTE, volume 1266 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 295-306. Springer, (2020)Examining Accesses to Educational Resources in a Blended Learning Flipped Classroom Controls Course in 2020.. ICL (1), volume 389 of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, page 939-950. Springer, (2021)Concept Maps and linear systems beyond Learning Objects., and . EDUCON, page 856-864. IEEE, (2015)VISIR+ Project Follow-up after four years: Educational and research impact., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). FIE, page 1-8. IEEE, (2023)A model of multilingual digital library. Ciência da informacao, (2001)Teaching Quantum Computing without prerequisites: a case study., , , and . QCE, page 673-676. IEEE, (2022)Toward on-line, worldwide access to Vatican Library materials., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). IBM J. Res. Dev., 40 (2): 139-162 (1996)An Electric and Electronic Circuit Remote Laboratory in a Control Course., and . EDUCON, page 687-694. IEEE, (2022)Concept Maps and Self-Regulated Learning: an Exploratory Study., , and . EDUCON, page 1149-1158. IEEE, (2020)Building digital libraries through collaboration within and between nations (SIG DL, III)., , , and . ASIST, volume 41 of Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., page 562-563. Wiley, (2004)