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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Motivated software engineers are engaged and focused, while satisfied ones are happy., , und . ESEM, Seite 32:1-32:8. ACM, (2014)Concept Craft Cards: Deck of theoretical and practical suggestions for ACI developers., , und . Creativity & Cognition, Seite 43:1-43:3. ACM, (2021)Guest Editors' Introduction: Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering., , , , und . IEEE Software, 26 (6): 17-19 (2009)Remote Working and Collaboration in Agile Teams., , , und . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2016)A Distributed Cognition Account of Mature XP Teams., und . XP, Volume 4044 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 1-10. Springer, (2006)Motivation in Software Engineering: A systematic literature review., , , , und . Inf. Softw. Technol., 50 (9-10): 860-878 (2008)Feedback Patterns., , und . EuroPLoP, Seite 343-374. UVK - Universitaetsverlag Konstanz, (2002)An ethnography of XP practice., und . PPIG, Seite 3. Psychology of Programming Interest Group, (2003)A multi-media approach to providing software project experience for postgraduate students., und . ITiCSE, Seite 109-115. ACM, (1996)Patterns for Active Learning, , und . Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Pattern Language of Programs, Monticello, IL, (2002)