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High-level design and analysis of business processes the advantages of declarative specifications., , и . RCIS, стр. 99-110. IEEE, (2008)Addressing Trust Issues in Supply-Chain Management Systems Through Blockchain Software Patterns., , , и . RCIS, том 476 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 275-290. Springer, (2023)ACM 2013 PC Co-Chairs Message., , и . OTM Workshops, том 8186 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 101. Springer, (2013)Exploring the Alloy operational semantics for case management process modeling.. RCIS, стр. 1-12. IEEE, (2013)Implications of trust in digital business ecosystem design: A systematic analysis of roles., , и . PoEM Companion, том 3645 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2023)Towards the Definition, Implementation and Communication of an IT Strategy: The Case of IT Strategy at EPFL., , , и . CAiSE Workshops, том 148 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 99-110. Springer, (2013)Modeling business processes for automated crisis management support: Lessons learned., , и . RCIS, стр. 388-399. IEEE, (2015)Towards Automated Support for Case Management Processes with Declarative Configurable Specifications.. Business Process Management Workshops, том 132 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 65-76. Springer, (2012)Systems-Thinking Heuristics for the Reconciliation of Methodologies for Design and Analysis for Information Systems Engineering., , , , и . RCIS, том 385 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 112-128. Springer, (2020)A Method for Functional Alignment Verification in Hierarchical Enterprise Models., и . BUSITAL, том 237 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2006)