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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Analysis and Design of Actuation-Sensing-Communication Interconnection Structures Toward Secured/Resilient LTI Closed-Loop Systems., , , und . IEEE Trans. Control. Netw. Syst., 6 (2): 667-678 (2019)Design of communication networks for distributed computation with privacy guarantees., , , und . CDC, Seite 1370-1376. IEEE, (2014)Structural Minimum Controllability Problem for Linear Continuous-Time Switching Systems., und . CoRR, (2015)A Framework for Structural Input/Output and Control Configuration Selection in Large-Scale Systems., , und . CoRR, (2013)Approximation of network linear operators using similarity shift filters., , , und . GlobalSIP, Seite 420-424. IEEE, (2016)Minimum number of probes for brain dynamics observability., , und . CDC, Seite 306-311. IEEE, (2015)On the complexity of the constrained input selection problem for structural linear systems., , und . Autom., (2015)Nonlinear estimation using Mean Field Games., , , und . NetGCoop, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2011)A framework for actuator placement in large scale power systems: Minimal strong structural controllability., , , , und . CAMSAP, Seite 416-419. IEEE, (2013)A model checking framework for linear time invariant switching systems using structural systems analysis., , , , und . Allerton, Seite 973-980. IEEE, (2013)